AvT’ technologies have created a new paradigm for the treatment and prevention of swine flue, PRRSv and Mycoplasma Hyopneumoniae...for starters with more to come!

    This paradigm involves three steps: (i) the continuous monitoring of ambient air for its aeropathogens content; (ii) the detection of specific (virulent) strains of aeropathogens; and (iii) the immediate real-time neutralization of the aeropathogens, thus preventing further infection and as well as the early treatment of the infected but asymptomatic animals.

    Our history

    • 2010
    • 2011
    • 2012
    • 2013
    • 2014
    • 2015
    • 2016
    • 2017


    • Designed, engineered and constructed detection chambers, and improved their designs in Collaboration with Dept. of Physics and Nanotechnology Laboratories at McGill University.
    • Designed and developed aerosampler to collect airborne pathogens (viruses and mycoplasma) in collaboration with the NIOSH/NIH.
    • Developed a proprietary electronic circuitry to manually control the detection system.


    • Signed a contractual agreement with CFIA (Canadian Food Inspection Agency) Virology Laboratories in St. Hyacinthe to conduct development in their facilities and use their analytical laboratories.
    • Completed the first proof-of-concept ‘assembly’ and demonstrated detection of sH1N1 virus to Canadian National Research Council (NRC-CNRC).


    • Secured a 2-yrs grant from NRC-CNRC to complete the development of an R&D prototype for: SIV, PRRS and Mycoplasma Hyopneumoniae.
    • Identified aptamers (ligands) for the selected viruses and bacteria, using the best expertise available around the World, including: North America and Europe.


    • Developed a commercial prototype with capability to detect four (4) different viruses
    • Independently and simultaneously, demonstrating its operation successfully to NRC-CNRC .


    • Miniaturized and optimized the commercial prototype and enabled with embedded computer control system, including a user friendly touch screen interface, 100% wireless functioning.
    • Tested, under controlled conditions, the functioning of the commercial prototype for PRRS and for Mycoplasma Hyopneumoniae virus to achieve best functionality.


    • The efficacy of aptamers to treat infected swine with PRRS viruses (strain 2), or with Mycoplasma Hyopneumoniae was tested, under in-vivo controlled conditions.


    • Invested into Intellectual Property protection (i.e., patenting) to cover process, equipment, consumables, and therapeutic discoveries.


    • AvT enters into a commercialization phase


    Global Partnership
    AvT believes that all the actors should be included in disease prevention. ; those include the producers, the medical/veterinarian staff overseeing the day-to-day health of the herds, as well as the agencies involve in regional control and certification issues. AvT’ products bring a very rare competitive advantage to the marketplace that includes the producers, the medical/veterinarian staff, and the agencies involve in regional control and certification. The actors involved with the growing AvT community can and will lead the way.”
    Human Health
    Early detection is the first step toward preventing further spread of diseases. This is why AvT has developed disruptive technologies that include real-time aeropathogens detection devices as well as synthetic antibodies to identify and quickly neutralize aeropathogens; thus preventing further spread of diseases in livestock, food processing industries, as well as in risky environments for humans (i.e. airports, hospitals, medical supply businesses, etc.)
    Animal Health
    As for humans, the occurrence of diseases is inevitable in animals. AvT believes that the early detection of pathogens leads to immediate real-time neutralization of the aeropathogens, thus preventing further infection and as well as the early treatment of the infected but asymptomatic animals.