Disruptive technology

    All the current epidemiologic surveys do show that aero-transmission of pathogens is inevitable. Because aerodispersion depends on land altitude, the slope of the terrain, meteorological conditions, etc., the exact time at which contamination will occur cannot be predicted. Continuous monitoring of the air quality is the only feasible way to prevent and/or minimize the spreading of these diseases.

    Aerovirus Technologies (AvT) was founded with the mission of developing and commercializing disruptive technologies that include real-time aeropathogens detection devices as well as synthetic antibodies to quickly neutralize the aeropathogens. AvT believes that preventing further spread of diseases in livestock and food processing industry is the first step in providing safe environments for humans.

    The solution

    Three simple steps leading to healthier animals and no-use or minimal use of antibiotics.

    Real-time detection
    Neutralisation of aeroviral and aerobacterial threats
    Healthier animals and no-use or minimal use of antibiotics

    More about the solution

    • The RT-PDS™ system samples the surrounding air continuously;
    • The pathogens (if present) in the air sample are then captured in liquid media via micro-cyclones;
    • The fluid containing pathogens is then pumped into a lab-on-chip chamber where four different pathogens can be captured simultaneously;
    • Lab-on chip chamber is fitted with 4-different electronic sensors that are coated with four different types of aptamers. Different types electrical signals are generated by different types of pathogens;
    • Resulting electrical signals are analyzed by AvT’s electronic boards to determine the identity of the pathogens and their concentrations.
    • The entire cycle (respiration to graphical/numerical output) is completed within few minutes and repeated continuously.”
    • The calibration (signal vs TCID50) of the instruments is carried-out using pulmonary cells (PAMs, ciliated, and non-ciliated cells) and an Air-Interface Feeding System (AIFS)
    AvT has developed level II biosecurity facilities for validation and calibration of RT-PDS™
    Air-Interface Feeding System (AIFS)